Monday, August 29, 2016

My Fall 60 Day Challenge Goals

The Summer 60-Day Challenge just ended.  Although I didn't actually compete in it I was happy with my results as I was able to get leaner over the summer than I was in May at my Physique Show.

For the Fall 60-Day Challenge I will compete and it is timed well as the Northern States Natural Classic Physique Show is one week after the final weigh out for the 60-Day.

For the 60-Day my goals as are follows:
  1. To win the Employee Division of the 60-Day Challenge.
  2. To place better and be in better condition at my physique show the following week.
  3. Most importantly, I want to be a really good example for my clients to follow for the next eight weeks.
I will keep you posted on how things are going!

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