Health & Vitality:
This part of the pyramid will be the basics that pretty much everyone should take to improve health and feel better. It will be the largest list of supplements. Most of these products are tablet or capsule form and the posts will cover the following:
1. Multi-Vitamin
2. Omega-3
3. Vitamin D
4. Greens
5. Pro-Biotics
6. Digestive Support (HCL)
7. Magnesium
8. Zinc
9. Ascorbic Acid (Vitamin C)
10. Joint Support (Glucosamine)
11. Melatonin
12. CoQ10
13. Glutamine
Fat Loss:
The second level of the pyramid will cover products people should use if they want to lose fat and look better. These products are in addition to the basic foundation supplements they should be taking. Many of these products are in powder form (Protein or Meal Replacements) and these posts will include:
1. Grass Fed Protein
2. Vegetarian Protein
3. Meal Replacement
4. Lean Source
5. Chromium
These are the supplements that are for athletes who want to gain muscle, are within a month of competing and are consistently taking the Health & Vitality supplements. During competition products, products that assist with muscle gain as well as products that assist with fat burning will be discussed. Some of these include:
1. Adreno-Mend
2. Relora Plex
3. Generation UCAN
4. Creatine
5. Glutamine
6. BCAAs
7. Beta Alanine
Look for future posts to discuss each of the above in more detail starting with the foundation supplements and moving up the pyramid accordingly.
Thanks for posting all these great informations!