Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Best Diet: Mom's Rules First

Just about everyone trying to lose weight over complicate things because they are more confused than ever.  While they have good intentions the average fitness consumer gets lost trying to figure out if they should follow Intermittent Fasting, Paleo, Atkins, etc.  A good place to start with is "Mom's Rules First" as explained below.

This is from Dan John's book Never Let Go and until these basic rules are followed, other diets should not be followed because most of the basic fundamentals are not in place.  By the way he calls it his "Ultra Secret Training Diet Regime."
  1. Eat breakfast every day.
  2. Be sure to eat three meals/day (They should be solid food and include quality protein).
  3. If you're hungry an hour or so after a meal, you didn't eat enough protein.
  4. Water should be your major beverage.
  5. There's nothing more fiber can't cure.  (If you have a hard time getting enough vegetables in, take a quality supplement like Fibermend daily)'
As the author says in the book, "You've heard it all before from Mom.  She was right.  Do you follow it?  I'm serious."  

It is good advice and should be a pre-req to any diet a person is considering.

Why?  Because it works the majority of the time for the majority of people because it is simple.

Try it and see what happens.

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