Tuesday, November 25, 2014

Q & A With Corey: End Holiday Drinking Hangovers

Question:  How can I reduce hangovers from drinking at social events during the holidays?

Answer:  Here are some tips to help you with that.  You don't have to do them all but the more you can do the better.  At the very least do the first two.

  1. Have 16-24 oz of water as soon as you get home.  If you can work up to a liter, that is better.
  2. Add an electrolyte capsule to the water such as Nuun.
  3. Take 2-3 Omega-3 capsules with the water.
  4. Take 2-4 Rebound capsules with the water.
Enjoy Thanksgiving this year!

Monday, November 24, 2014

Avoid Thanksgiving Weight Gain This Year

A simple way to avoid Thanksgiving weight gain is to do one or more of the following tips:

  1. Eat the Turkey and Green vegetables first.
  2. Try to chew 20-30 times with eat bite.
  3. Drink 8-16 oz of water right before you eat your meal.
  4. Take 3-6 high-quality Omega-3 capsules prior to the meal.

By doing steps 1-2 you won't eat as much because you will get full faster.  

Steps 3-4 will help lower cravings.

Following one or more of these steps will help you avoid gaining weight during this holiday while still being able to enjoy the food that comes with it.  

Enjoy Thanksgiving this year and stay healthy and fit!

Sunday, November 9, 2014

A Simple Tip to Avoid Hoilday Weight Gain

Many people gain a few pounds over the holidays.  

I have heard of national news papers doing surveys that say the average American gains 7-8 pounds over the holidays, while published university studies usually show 1-2 pounds gained.  

Either way holiday weight gain is common between Halloween and New Years.

A simple way to avoid this is to get a Metabolic Test done a health club or clinical setting.  Once it is done, focus on spending 80% of your weekly training time within five beats above or below your Aerobic Base heart rate.

I have found performing cardio at this heart rate during the holiday season reduces cravings making it easier to say "No Thanks" when people offer you cookies, crackers or chips.

Eating less processed carbs leads to less weight gain or even weight loss which is a good thing over the holidays.

Sunday, November 2, 2014

Strictly Strength Workout 10/30/14

Here is the workout from the Strictly Strength class done at Eden Prarie Athletic Club on October 30th.  This workout featured Tri-Sets (Three exercises in a row for the same muscle group).  Since this is a group fitness class I do three upper body exercises done consecutively followed by three lower body exercises for a six exercise circuit.

The workout is below.  Do each exercise for 15-20 reps for 2-3 sets.  For video descriptions for most of the exercises go to my YouTube Channel.

-A:  Dynamic Warm-Up/Movement Prep

-B1:  Push-Ups
-B2:  Flat Dumbbell Flyes
-B3:  Flat Dumbbell Chest Press
-B4:  Dumbbell Front Squat
-B5:  Single-Leg Squat
-B6:  Resist-A-Band Squat

-C1:  1-Arm Dumbbell Row
-C2:  Lying Flutter
-C3:  Seated Resist-A-Band Rows
-C4:  Figure-8 Band Standing Leg Curl
-C5:  Dumbbell RDL
-C6:  Single Leg RDL

-D1:  Dumbbell Hammer Curl
-D2:  Resist-A-Band Biceps Curl
-D3:  Dumbbell Biceps Curl
-D4:  Lying Dumbbell Skull Crushers
-D5:  Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Extensions
-D6:  Dumbbell Kickbacks

-E1:  Abdominal Crunch
-E2:  Abdominal Rotational Crunch

Enjoy the workout.