Tuesday, May 31, 2016

Tasty Tuesday Tip/Receipe 5/31/16: Pre-Cook Your Protein

One of the simplest ways to eat better is to pre-cook your meals 2-3 times/week.  When I have clients do this for the first time I usually have them focus on protein. 

In the first photo I am grilling Ground Bison and Ground Turkey.  In the second photo I place the cooked Bison and Turkey patties in glass tuber ware containers after they cool. 

I refrigerate them after that and bring 2-3 patties to work with me each day.  Once at work I can eat them cold or heat them up in the microwave. 

It is a simple tip to keep your protein intake on the higher end. It is also very inexpensive and time efficient compared to eating a similar amount of protein at a restaurant.

Give it a try sometime.

Monday, May 30, 2016

Motivation Monday: Go to the Challenge

For Motivational Monday here is a section from the book The Way of the Seal by Mark Divine:
A unique, if unfair, aspect of our beautiful human condition is that if you avoid challenge, it will come anyhow, bringing with it severe and painful lessons.  The more you try to dodge them or insulate yourself through the trappings of wealth, emotional armor, or numbing agents like alcohol, the harder the challenges become.  I recommend that you take yourself to the challenge instead of waiting for it to come to you as a way to burn off your lethargy in a controlled environment.
Use this advice in the future to look for challenges to beat so you are more prepared when real challenges come to you.  One of the best ways to get started is to try physical challenges that take you out of your comfort level.  Pick some to do on a weekly, monthly, quarterly and yearly basis that are measurable.  Take the first step and do one (i.e. running a mile as fast as you can), track how long it took and try to beat that time when you do the challenge again.

Sunday, May 29, 2016

Why I Compete In Pysique Shows

Corey Grenz at the
2016 Mr. & Ms. Natural Minnesota
I get asked many times why I compete in physique shows.  It is a good question and here are the answers to that question.
  1. I believe everyone has a certain degree of vanity deep down inside.  I am no different I and I don't apologize that I like to see my abs, look the best I can and get compliments as a result!
  2. Doing a physique show gives me a written goal with a deadline.  Signing the entry form is the written part and the show date is the deadline.  A written goal with a deadline is much more likely to be achieved than the standard goals that most people have with little or no meaning behind them and don't get achieved as a result.
  3. It allows me to "Lead From The Front."  I think most people have had a coach or a teacher with the "Do as I say, not as I do mentality."  This gets old when you are the follower so I prefer being an example as it makes it easier for my clients to follow.
  4. It allows me to see measurable change from show to show.  Whether it is scale weight, body composition, circumference measurements, photos or how I place, a physique show allows you to see progress and change in your body.
  5. I believe if I do well and change my body in a noticeable way it will inspire others to do the same.
  6. Doing a physique show is the best way I know of to stay accountable on my nutrition plan and not gain unnecessary body fat.
  7. It forces me to follow a training program between the start and finish dates.  Doing random workouts are OK but following an actual training program can accelerate progress in the gym.
In the near future there will be posts to help people with the Life Time Fitness 60-Day Challenge.  While a contest like this is not as rigorous as an actual physique show (However, it can be if you are serious about winning the $10,000 prize) it is a great way to train like you are doing one and test the waters a bit.

Saturday, May 28, 2016

Observations Form the May 2016 Bodybuilding Contest

Today I competed in the NANBF Mr. & Ms. Natural Minnesota Physique Competition.  After a five year lay off I stepped back on stage in the Men's 40-49 Masters Division.  These are my observations/reflections on this show and its prep as well as what I will do differently for the next show.
  1.  The Peak Week techniques I did this year made a difference for the better.  Will modify them a bit but the will be very similar in the future.
  2. I will get a bit darker than I was and use 1-2 more coats of Pro Tan in addition to what I used.
  3. I will do 1-2 HIIT Sessions for cardio in the off-season.  Looking forward to doing outside this summer.
  4. I will get one more hour of sleep each night as my average of 6 hours/night is killing my recovery and slowing my progress.
  5. Even though my legs are a strength, I have to train them harder than I have been.
    Corey Grenz 2 weeks prior to the Mr. & Ms. Natural Minnesota
    I will conclude this post by saying there are four goals left to accomplish in 2016.  Goal 1 is to not gain a bunch of unnecessary post-show weight like many competitors do.  In fact I will be leaner within 2-4 weeks that I was today.  The second goal is to win the Employee Division of the Life Time Fitness 60-Day Challenge.  I will post how I intend to do that in the near future.  My third goal is to step back on stage and compete in the Northern States Natural Classic in October.  Finally in November I want to do a photo shoot in Las Vegas when my girlfriend competes in the Fitness America competition.
I am looking forward to accomplishing these goals!

Friday, May 27, 2016

Optimal performance starts in the mind.  Here is a section from The Mindful Athlete by George Mumford that talks about the concept of flow. 

In the book flow is described as this way: "Flow occurs when both challenges and skills are high and equal to each other."

To perform at the highest level and achieve flow in fitness, athletics and many other things in life Mumford states:

"The real key to high performance and tapping into flow is the ability to direct and channel your strengths and skills fully in the present moment - and that starts in your mind. The flip side is also true.  No matter how strong or skillful you might be, your mind can also impede that talent from being expressed, and it often does so in insidious ways if you don't take care of it.  You've probably heard before, and it's true, that the mind is a muscle.  You need to take care of it through daily practice.  It's that simple and that profound."

The big takeaway from this is train your mind as much if not more than your muscles for optimal success in fitness.

Thursday, May 26, 2016

Workout of the Week: 30 Burpees

One of the simplest and most effective fat-burning exercises you can do is a burpee.  However, when most people do them the either only do a few reps or their form is terrible or both.  The next time you do them do 30 reps in a row to feel their full effect. 

I got this idea from the book Spartan Up by Joe De Sena.  When people make a mistake during the Spartan Race they have to do 30 burpees as a penalty.

The next time you work out do 30 in a row and see how you feel.  You can do it at the end of your current workout as a finisher or you can do it all by itself if you are short on equipment.  You can even do multiple sets of 30 burpees if time and energy permit.

However you want to use them just remember this important point -- go for 30 reps in a row.

Give it a try sometime and see how you feel!

Monday, May 23, 2016

Motivation Monday May 23rd, 2016

Here is a quote for Motivation Monday.  It is from J Robinson the Head Wrestling Coach for the Minnesota Gophers.  The image is from www.pinterest.com. Hope you enjoy it and it makes you work harder today and this week!!!

Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tip #2: Keep Caffeine in Check

Most people love caffeinated beverages (I do too!).  Th problem is most people either over consume them; drink them at the wrong time or both.  Here are some simple tips to maximize the use of caffeine for exercise performance or fat loss as it works for both goals.
  • Try to limit consumption to 400-500 mg/day max (The average 8 oz coffee is about 250 mg).
  • Try to stop consumption after 1 pm as taking it after this time can have a negative effect on sleep.
  • If possible, only have it every couple of days to maximize its effect.
  • Have it prior to working out and avoid having it after the workout.
  • There are lots of "Pre Workout" drinks on the market, but good quality coffee works well prior to training.
  • If you train in a fasted state (i.e. early in the morning) coffee can make a difference in workout energy and fat burn.
Give these tips a try and see if they make a difference.

Saturday, May 14, 2016

Another Simple Training Program

The last post I had a simple 2-day training routine that could be  done three days/week.  Here is a similar program that hits more muscle groups than the previous one.  The previous workout trained four movement patterns and this one trains eight.  It goes as follows:
  • Day 1:  Squat Exercise/Vertical Pull Exercise
  • Day 2:  Knee Flexion Exercise/Horizontal Press Exercise
  • Day 3:  Lunge Exercise/Horizontal Pull Exercise
  • Day 4:  Hip Hinge Exercise/Vertical Press Exercise
You can do the workout four days/week (i.e. Monday, Wednesday, Friday) or you can do it three days/week with the forth workout done the next week and then repeat.


Wednesday, May 11, 2016

Stupid Simple Training Program That Works

Recently a friend of mine did really well in the Life Time Fitness 90-Day Challenge following this resistance training program:
  • Day 1:  Barbell Front Squats/Barbell Standing Military Press (Done in an alternating style).
  • Day 2:  Barbell Deadlifts/Pull Ups (Done in an alternating style)
  • *Every once in a while he threw in Dumbbell Arnold Presses or Rows if he felt like it and time permitted.
He alternated the workouts 3-4 days/week and did light cardio and/or intervals on some of the other days.

It is a good example that sometimes less is more.

Future posts will give more details on workouts like the above.

Tuesday, May 10, 2016

Tip #1: Participate in a Tranformation Contest

Most people have a goal to look thier best for the summer.  However, they often fall short of thier goal because they lose motivation after a while.  

This year to stay motivated try the Life Time Fitness 60-Day Challenge.  It is $30-35 to enter and there are two divisions:  Weight Loss and Transformation.  

The grand prize for winning each is $10,000.  Even if you don't win the grand prize I have seen people make great changes (Results of 10-20 lbs or 4-6% body fat lost are very realistic) during contests like these as good competition brings out the best in people. 

Give it a try and look and feel your best this summer!

Monday, May 9, 2016

Group Fitness Teaching Schedule (5/9/16-5/15/16)

Here is my Group Fitness Teaching Schedule at Life Time Athletic/Target Center the week of 5/9/16-5/15/16:
  • Monday, 5/9 @ 11:45 am:  Total Conditioning (subbing for Heather Corndorf)
  • Tuesday, 5/10 @ 12:00 pm:  F.I.T. (Subbing for Michelle LaFrance)
  • Tuesday, 5/10 @ 5:30 pm:  Barbell Strength
  • Wednesday, 5/11 @ 11:45 am:  Barbell Strength
  • Thursday, 5/12 @ 12:00 pm:  C9 Challenge
  • Thursday, 5/12 @ 5:30 pm:  Barbell Strength
  • Friday, 5/13 @ 11:45 am:  Total Conditioning (subbing for Michelle LaFrance)
Hope to see you in class this week!!!

Friday, May 6, 2016

My Training Goals for 2016

Here are my training goals for 2016:
  1. May 28th:  Get back on stage and compete in the Masters (40-49) division at the Natural Minnesota Bodybuilding & Physique show.
  2. May 28th:  Place "Top 5" in my division at the Natural Minnesota Bodybuilding & Physique show.
  3. June 4th:  Start the Life Time Fitness 60-Day Challenge.
  4. August 6th:  Finish the Life Time Fitness 60-Day Challenge.
  5. October 22nd:  Compete in the Masters (40-49) division and 40+ Pro Qualifier division at the Northern States Classic Bodybuiling & Physique show and place "Top 5" in both.
  6. November 16th:  Get a professional photo shoot done at the Fitness America/Musclemania show at Las Vegas.
In future posts I will write about these in more detail.

Stay tuned!