Saturday, April 4, 2015

Expectations for my Personal Training Clients

To ensure my Personal Training clients to get the measurable and meaningful results the are looking for, there are five expectations I have for them.  I go over these with clients before they start training to not only lay down the law initially but to get the best out of them so they are more likely to achieve thier goal.  

These expectations go as follows:
  1. Write down a measurable goal with a deadline.  
  2. Show up.
  3. Challenge yourself daily.
  4. Be positive.
  5. Stay the course.
When clients follow the above they get better results.

Future posts will go over each in more detail.


Monday, March 2, 2015

Workout of the Week: Time Efficient Total Body

Here is a time efficient total body workout.  It takes about 30-minutes to do and can be done 2-3 days during the week on non-consecutive days.  

Anyone can use it but women enjoy it more than men.  One reason for this is the workout can be done in a Group Fitness Studio (If it has 15, 18 or 20 lb Dumbbells it helps) or on a fitness floor in a standard gym.  

Regarding resistance, pick a weight you can do 12-15 reps with.  As soon as you can do more than 15 reps on the first set of the workout, increase the weight in the next workout.

Pair 1:  2 Sets X 12-15 Reps
-A1:  Dumbbell Goblet Squat
-A2:  Push Ups

Pair 2:  2 Sets X 12-15 Reps
-B1:  1-Leg Hip Raise (Foot on Bench)
-B2:  1-Arm Dumbbell Row (Elbow in)

Pair 3:  2 Sets X 12-15 Reps
-C1:  Dumbbell Step-Up
-C2:  Dumbbell Shoulder Press

Pair 4:  2 Sets X 12-15 Reps
-D1:  Dumbbell Biceps Curl
-D2:  Supine Stability Ball Alternate Arm

Pair 5:  2 Sets X 12-15 Reps
-E1:  Dumbbell Skull Crushers
-E2:  Side Plank Reach Through

Give it a try!

Thursday, February 26, 2015

Progression Overload Technique: Same Rep Number Model

One of the easiest ways for fitness enthusiasts to get better results is to use progressive overload.  An simple way to do this is the to increase reps first and weight second.  Some times coaches will use one number to represent reps (i.e. 3 Sets X 10 Reps) and or ther times a rep range (i.e. 3 Sets X 10-12 Reps).  This post will explain how to progress reps and resistance using the first example using an exercise like a Dumbbell Chest Press for 3 Sets X 10 Reps.

  • Workout 1:  20 lbs X 10, 9, 8 Reps
  • Workout 2:  20 lbs X 10, 10, 9 Reps
  • Workout 3:  20 lbs X 10, 10, 10 Reps
  • Workout 4:  22.5 lbs X 10, 8, 8 Reps
  • Workout 5:  22.5 lbs X 10, 10, 8 Reps
  • Workout 6:  22.5 lbs X 10, 10, 10 Reps
  • Workout 7:  25 lbs X 9, 8, 8 Reps

In real world practice this is a simple example to use as if you can hit the required number of reps for all the sets you are doing (3 X 10 = 30 total in Workouts 3 and 6), the resistance increases.  If the rep goal is not hit on the required number of sets (Workout 1 was 27 reps, Workout 2 was 29 reps, Workout 4 was 26 reps, Workout 5 was 28 reps and Workout 7 was 25 reps) the resistance stays the same.

Give it a try and see how it works for you.

Monday, February 23, 2015

Words of Wisdom: Workout Motivation

Here is a great segment from Arnold Schwartzenegger in his book Arnold: The Education of a Bodybuilder.  He describes his first workout below:
"I remember the first real workout I had as vividly as it were last night.  I rode my bike to the gym which was eight miles from the village where I lived.  I used barbells, dumbbells and machines.  The guys warned me that I'd get sore, but it didn't seem to be having any effect.  I thought I must be beyond that.  Then after the workout, I started riding home and fell off my bike.  I was so weak I couldn't make my hands hold on.  I had no feeling in my legs:  they were noodles.  I was numb, my whole body was buzzing.  I pushed the bike for a while, leaning on it.  Half a mile further, I tried to ride it again, fell off again, and then just pushed it the rest of the way home.  This was my first experience with weight training, and I was crazy for it."
Whenever you don't feel like working out (like when it is too cold out) or think your circumstances don't allow you to (too far to drive) this describes what training morivation really is.

Tuesday, February 17, 2015

Six Keys to Bodybuilding Sucess

These tips are from Dave Draper's book Brother Iron Sister Steel.  They are keys to
Bodybuilding sucess but they applicable to most fitness goals.  They are:
  1. Set realistic goals - short and long term.
  2. Plan an orderly and thorough routine to train the entire body.
  3. Make a commitment to stick to your program for four to six weeks to realize the changes and benefits, develop perseverance and create a habit.
  4. Establish enthusiasm for your training, the driving force to persevere successfully.
  5. Ease into the appropriate training program with a wholesome, thoughtful nutritional plan: proper foods, amounts and order of consumption.
  6. Be confident from the beginning that the application of these sound principles will produce desired results.
If you apply the above tips to your fitness program on a regular basis you are sure to get better results.

Saturday, January 31, 2015

Nutrition for Maximixing Muscle Mass and Strength

Here are ten steps for nutrition if you goal is to gain muscle mass and get stronger in the process.  They are from the book Encyclopedia of Muscle & Strength by Jim Stoppani.  

Goal 1:  Focus on Protein

Goal 2:  Eat Ample Fat

Goal 3:  Manipulate Carbs

Goal 4:  Count Calories

Goal 5:  Eat Frequently

Goal 6:  Use a Mixed Protein Supplement

Goal 7:  Use Different Types of Carbs Pre/Post Workout

Goal 8:  Supplement Before/After Workouts

Goal 9:  Cover Your Vitamin and Mineral Zneeds With a Multi-Vitamin

Goal 10:  Find What Works For You

These tips have stood the test of time so put them to good use. 

Thursday, January 29, 2015

The Best Diet: Mom's Rules First

Just about everyone trying to lose weight over complicate things because they are more confused than ever.  While they have good intentions the average fitness consumer gets lost trying to figure out if they should follow Intermittent Fasting, Paleo, Atkins, etc.  A good place to start with is "Mom's Rules First" as explained below.

This is from Dan John's book Never Let Go and until these basic rules are followed, other diets should not be followed because most of the basic fundamentals are not in place.  By the way he calls it his "Ultra Secret Training Diet Regime."
  1. Eat breakfast every day.
  2. Be sure to eat three meals/day (They should be solid food and include quality protein).
  3. If you're hungry an hour or so after a meal, you didn't eat enough protein.
  4. Water should be your major beverage.
  5. There's nothing more fiber can't cure.  (If you have a hard time getting enough vegetables in, take a quality supplement like Fibermend daily)'
As the author says in the book, "You've heard it all before from Mom.  She was right.  Do you follow it?  I'm serious."  

It is good advice and should be a pre-req to any diet a person is considering.

Why?  Because it works the majority of the time for the majority of people because it is simple.

Try it and see what happens.

Wednesday, January 28, 2015

Efficient Workouts During January Part 2: Lunch Time Workouts

As discussed in the last post, January is the time of the year when many health club members get frustrated trying to workout because of the New Years rush.

That post discussed benefits of working out
first thing in the morning.  This post will discuss a second way to get around the busy gym problem which is to schedule your workout over lunch hours (11 am-1 pm).  

The best way to set this schedule up is to come into work 60-90 minutes earlier in the morning than you normally do.  This alone will benefit you in two ways:
  • You likely won’t have to deal with rush hour traffic on the highway.
  • You can do your “Busy Work” like checking/returning emails before the workday actually starts. 

These two tips alone cut down on daily stress considerably.  In addition to the above benefits the health/fitness benefits, go as follows:
  • The workout is finished before the workday is done.  You don't have to worry about coming to the gym after a long day of work which reduces stress. 
  • While most gyms are busy during the lunch hour rush, that time period is less busy than evening (5-8 pm) and early morning (5:30-7 am) times at most fitness facilities.
  • Members working out during the lunch hour usually have good gym etiquette - they want to get in and out of the club and don't stand around socializing.  This allows you to have more efficient workouts.
  • As discussed in the first post, more calories (mainly carbs) can be consumed earlier in the day around your workout (depending on body type) allowing you to taper calories 
  • the rest of the day.  This food timing technique works well for many people.
If you are not a morning person and dislike standing around waiting for equipment lunch time workouts can be a great choice because of the above benefits.

The next post will discuss the benefits of working out at early-mid afternoon times. 

Monday, January 26, 2015

Efficient Workouts During January Part 1: Early AM Workouts

January is the time of the year when many health club members get frustrated trying to workout when gyms are busier than normal because of the New Years rush.

One way to get around this problem is to
schedule your workout first thing in the morning.

In addition to most health clubs being less busy than afternoon/evening times, there are some additional benefits:
  • The workout is done before work starts.  You don't have to worry about coming to the gym after a long day of work which reduces stress.
  • Members working out first thing in the morning usually have good gym etiquette - they want to get in and out of the club and don't stand around socializing.
  • After a person gets used to waking up earlier to train (takes 2-3 weeks to adapt), energy for workouts is usually higher as people should have higher cortisol in the am (high cortisol is good prior to a workout).
  • More calories (mainly carbs) can be consumed earlier in the day around your workout (depending on body type) allowing you to taper calories the rest of the day.
Even if you are not a morning person I have had numerous fitness enthusiasts switch to early am workouts because of the above benefits.

The next post will discuss the benefits of working out during lunch hour.