Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Achieving Goals: Don't Put Limits on Yourself!

I get many comments on this post regarding having a goal to "Maintain."  Based on those comments I have found people like to have the goal to "Maintain" for two reasons.  First, it is easier to maintain than to move ahead in most aspects in life because hard work and dedication is involved.  Second, people put limitations on themselves regarding what they can really achieve.  The video below is from the movie Soul Surfer which is the true story of professional surfer Bethany Hamilton.  Bethany had a bright career ahead of her in surfing but on October 31, 2003 tragedy happened as her arm was bit off by a shark[1].  Despite losing 60% of her blood and nearly dying, she set a goal to surf again[1].  Below is what she has accomplished since the attack:
  • December 1, 2003 she was back in the water surfing
  • January 10, 2004 she placed 5th in the NSSA National Surfing Competition 
  • 2005 she won the NSSA National Surfing Competition 
  • Her book Soul Surfer was released in 2004
  • The movie Soul Surfer was released in 2011   
  • She has made numerous media and charity appearances since her injury.
  • She overcame an obvious fear of sharks, got back in the water, learned to surf without and arm an became a champion surfer without an arm
Below is a clip from the movie Soul Surfer.  

After reading and watching the above do you still think your goals are too unrealistic?

I thought Bethany's story would be fitting as she was on the cover of the latest issue of Experience Life magazine and there is a short story on her. 

1.  Retrieved from:

Tuesday, April 23, 2013

Wave Loading: A Simple Way to Get Stronger During a Workout

One of my favorite resistance training programs is Wave Loading.  I learned it from Charles Poliquin's book Modern Trends in Strength Training.  It is a simple way to get stronger not only after the program is over but during the session as well.  You use rep sequences of 8/6/4, 7/5/3, 5/3/1 etc.  Rather than writing a super long post describing it, below is an example of using Wave Loading while doing a Bench Press exercise with a 7/5/3 rep sequence:
  • Wave 1:  185 lbs X 7 Reps, 190 lbs X 5 Reps, 195 lbs X 3 Reps
  • Wave 2:  190 lbs X 7 Reps, 195 lbs X 5 Reps, 200 lbs X 3 Reps
  • Wave 3:  195 lbs X 7 Reps, 200 lbs X 5 Reps, 205 lbs X 3 Reps
  • *As you can see above each wave starts with weight that is 5 lbs heavier than the previous wave.  You would end up doing 9 total sets of Bench Press today.

In a perfect world it works best if you can increase the resistance by 2.5 lb increments by using Plate Mates or 1.25 lb barbell platesIf your gym or health club is limited, 5 lb jumps will work if you have never used the program before.  

Give it a try and see what happens.

Monday, April 22, 2013

Supplement Spotlight #3: Multi-Vitamins

Today's post describes the importance of using a Multi-Vitamin.  Multi-Vitamins are classified under the Longevity & Vitality supplement row from the Supplement Pyramid post found here.  Here are six reasons why you should use a high-quality multi-vitamin on a daily basis:
  1. They Help Assist With Weight Loss.  This was proven in a study cited online in the Journal of Obesity.  The multi-vitamin group lost body fat while the other two groups (One was a placebo group and the other group just took minerals) didn't lose any weight.
  2. Poor Soil Quality.  Most farm land has been over farmed and is very deficient of minerals.  Taking a multi-vitamin helps replace those lost minerals.
  3. Poor Diet.  Many health experts suggest people should eat 9-11 servings of vegetables and fruit each day.  In my experience most people don't even eat three servings/day.  A multi-vitamin helps ensure you are getting the nutrients from the missed servings.
  4. Medication Use.  Most people use medications in some way.  Based on the medication being used, nutrients can be lost.  For example, Birth Control Pills deplete the body of Vitamin B6, B12, Folic Acid, Magnessium and Zinc.  Statin medications deplete the body of CoQ10.  Antacids deplete calcium and phosphorus.  Antidepressants deplete CoQ10 and Vitamin B2.  There are many more that could be listed.
  5. Increased Stress.  We live in a world where we are exposed to 100X as much stress as our grand parents.  There are six forms of stress (Physical, Emotional, Chemical, Nutritional, Electromagnetic and Thermal) and all of them take a tolll on the body by depleting nutrients.
  6. Increased Energy and Feeling Better.  In my experience people who have given high-quality multi-vitamin use an honest try for a month had more energy during the day, slept better at night and felt better overall.
For most people in addition to a multi-vitamin it is essential to use Omega-3 and Vitamin D daily.  Think of them as the "Big 3" of supplements.

Friday, April 19, 2013

4/3/2/1 Sprint Workout: Achieve Aweome Cardiovascular Fitness in 25 Minutes or Less!

I got the idea of the 4/3/2/1 Sprint Workout from Strength Coach Charles Poliquin.  Tip #540 from his blog he describes a study from the Journal of Strength and Conditioning Research that compared two different sprinting workouts done on a track.  If you want to read the entire post and learn all of the workouts benefits click here.  The workout uses an outdoor track with distances of 400 m, 300 m, 200 m and 100 m for the sprints.   

Since it is late April and there is still snow on the ground in Minnesota, below is the indoor version you can do on the indoor running track at Life Time Fitness/St Louis Park.
  1. Use the middle lane of the track (12 Laps = 1 Mile)
  2. Sprint around the track 4 times then rest 4 minutes
  3. Sprint around the track 3 times then rest 3 minutes
  4. Sprint around the track 2 times then rest 2 minutes
  5. Sprint around the track once and you are done
  6. IMPORTANT POINT:  Know your surroundings and try not to run anyone over when you are doing this!!!  I can't stress this enough during peak hours at the club.
Enjoy the workout! 

  1. Retrieved from:

Thursday, April 18, 2013

The Kettlebell Goblet Squat: An Effective Variation of the Squat

Many people dislike the Barbell Back Squat or Front Squat as it can be uncomfortable.  A variation that some people might like better is the Kettlebell Goblet Squat.  Even though the weight is usually considerably lighter than what can be used on Barbell Squat variations, when done properly it can be a very effective exercise and create a significant heart rate response.  In the video below Meredith demonstrates how to properly perform the exercise.

Key Points:  Try to slowly descend to the point right before you loose the natural curve in your low back.  One at that depth pause for 1-2 seconds and then come back up. 

Wednesday, April 17, 2013

Some Simple Tips to Decrease Joint Discomfort Part 3: Foam Rolling Before or After Exercise

In Part 1 of this series nutrition to help decrease joint discomfort was discussed.  Part 2 went over effective supplements for decreasing joint discomfort.  This post will give examples of Foam Rolling Exercises that will make the joints feel better.  These exercises can be used before exercise to loosen up the body or after exercise to help the body recover.  They can also be beneficial by having a calming effect if done prior to sleep.  Below are some examples (Examples 4-7 take you to You Tube demonstrations.  Future video clips are on the way).
Example of a Foam Roller
  1. Arch of the Foot (Tennis Ball)
  2. Peroneals
  3. Soleus
  4. Gastrocnemius (Calf)
  5. Hamstrings
  6. IT Band
  7. Glute
  8. Quad
  9. Hip Flexors
  10. Lat
  11. Upper Back 
  12. Pec
As simple as the above exercises sound they are often missed or skipped.  In the near future try ten Overhead Squats prior to working out.  Then spend 4-8 minutes Foam Rolling and then try the Overhead Squats again and note how you feel.  Chances are you will feel much more "Opened Up" and might have a more effective workout.


Tuesday, April 16, 2013

What Happens on Vacation When You Are Low On Vitamin D

Below are some photos of someone on our Personal Training staff.  These are taken about a week after going on vacation in Florida.  Notice how much peeling is going on. 

This person had their Vitamin D tested prior to the trip and the result was 28 ng/dL.  Had their level been 60 ng/dL+ they might have burned very little (Maybe not at all) and would not be itchy and in pain.  This is one reason to get Vitamin D levels checked ESPECIALLY prior to a vacation Somewhere warm!

Monday, April 15, 2013

Some Simple Steps to Decrease Joint Discomfort Part 2: Supplements

Yesterdays post found here explained some simple nutritional steps to decrease joint discomfort.  This post will explain some supplements to use to decrease joint discomfort.  The supplements below are listed in priority of used based on budget.

  1. Omega-3 Fish Oil:  Omega-3 contains EPA which decreases inflammation in the body and can help lubricate the joints.  Using the proper minimal dosage of Omega-3 (3-4 grams of combined EPA/DHA) has been the simplest step for members I know to decrease joint pain
  2. Vitamin D:  As explained on this post, Vitamin D greatly reduces inflammation.
  3. Joint Maintenance (Glucosamine and Chondroitin):  The first step before taking this is to make sure enough Omega-3 is consumed daily.  If joint discomfort still persists (Usually common in runners or lifters) a Joint Maintenance product can be used.  Make sure to try if for three months to ensure it works as it takes time to rebuild some of the cartilage that was damaged.  As many as 65% of the population has positive  experiences when using it.
  4. Nutra-Dyne Dynamic Greens:  This is a simple way to get 20+ servings of antioxidants in one Dynamic Greens drink (1 serving).  Antioxidants lower inflammation which can assist in making the joints feel better.
The good news with the above supplements is using them can be a good, simple opportunity for most people.  All the above are very effective when used, however most health club members either don't use them, use low dosages of them and/or use poor quality brands.  When using these supplements make sure to use medical/health practitioner grade brands like Designs for Health, Metagenics, Poliquin, Ortho Molecular,Thorne and Douglas Labs.  All the supplements discussed above can be found in the Life Cafe and are formulated for Life Time Fitness by Douglas Labs.  If you want to purchase them you can get them for 10% off at the cafe if you give the Life Cafe employee my name.

Sunday, April 14, 2013

Some Simple Steps to Decrease Joint Discomfort Part 1: Nutrition

The last couple of years I have had many health club members approach me with issues of joint discomfort in the knees, hips, shoulders, etcMost people think it just a part of aging but in my experience there are some simple steps that can have a positive impact when done consistently.  

The first step is nutrition.  Often when people are eating a pro-inflammatory diet it can have a negative impact on how the joints feel.  In fact functional medicine expert Dr. Jim LaValle has said "Fifty percent of orthopedic injuries are nutritionally related."  Some steps that can be done to improve nutrition to decrease joint pain are the following:
  1. Avoid Gluten (Can be found in breads, pasta, many condiments, etc.)
  2. Try to consume 9-11 servings of vegetables and fruits/day (3 vegetable servings for each serving of fruit)
  3. Avoid Trans Fats or Hydrogenated/Partially Hydrogenated Oils 
  4. Stay hydrated.  Drink at least half your body weight in ounces of water/day (i.e. if you weigh 150 lbs get at least 75 oz in.
  5. Try to limit your caffeinated beverages to no more than 16 oz and try to have them pre- workout or prior to 12:00 pm.
  6. Drink 16 additional oz of water for every 8 oz caffeinated beverage you consume.  For example if the person in Step #3 had an 8 oz coffee they would consume 90 oz of water that day.
The next post will explain some simple supplement protocols to decrease joint discomfort.

Friday, April 12, 2013

Strictly Strength Workout 4/12/13

Below is the workout we did for today's Strictly Strength group Fitness class.  It is another variation of Peripheral Heart Action Training and consists of four exercises in a row (Upper body, lower body, upper body, lower body) in a mini circuit.  Since it is four exercises it is more difficult than the 2-exercise (See this post) and 3-exercise (See this post) variations.  

Mini Circuit 1:  2 Sets X 15-20 Reps
4/12/13 Strictly Strength Class Equipment

  1. Bent-Over High Dumbbell Row (Elbows Out)
  2. Resist-A-Band Squat
  3. Push-Ups
  4. Stability Ball Leg Curl
Mini Circuit 2:  2 Sets X 15-20 Reps
  1. Resist-A-Band Scare Crow
  2. Dumbbell Split Squat
  3. Stability Ball Dumbbell Flye
  4. Figure-8 Band Standing Leg Curl
Mini Circuit 3:  2 Sets X 15-20 Reps 
  1. Standing Dumbbell Shoulder Press
  2. Single Leg Squat
  3. Standing Dumbbell Side Raise
  4. Single Leg Dumbbell Deadlift
Mini Circuit 4:  2 Sets X 15-20 Reps
  1. Resist-A-Band Biceps Curls
  2. Gliding Disk Side Lunge
  3. Stability Ball Dumbbell Skull Crushers
  4. Figure-8 Band Tube Walking
Equipment included an Exercise Mat, Stability Ball, two pairs of Dumbbells, Resist-A-Band, Figure-8 Band, and a Gliding Disk.

Enjoy the workout.

Wednesday, April 10, 2013

Follow Up Q & A on Vitamin D

Here are some common questions regarding Vitamin D from this post.

Question:  What are food sources that contain Vitamin D?
Answer:  Dairy products, eggs, fish oil (Especially Cod Liver Oil) and salt water fish[1].  Be aware of foods that are "Fortified With Vitamin D" as they are often high in poor quality carbohydrates[2].

Question:  Do you really have to supplement with Vitamin D or can you get enough from food and/or sunlight?
Answer:  The first step is to get tested and see where your levels are at.  The vast majority of people have to use a supplement because they are extremely low (Usually under 35 ng/dL).  As far as sunlight there have been studies done on people living in warm weather cities like Phoenix and the majority of people tested had really low levels.  It is important to note that sunscreen of SPF-8 will block the sun rays enough to prevent Vitamin D production.  Tanning beds with UVB Bulbs can help with Vitamin D production, however they may cause other health issues[2]

Question:  Isn't it dangerous to take high dosages of Vitamin D because it is a Fat Soluble Vitamin?
Answer:  That is old news.  Vitamin D is one of the most if not the most researched vitamins the last three years.  It is actually considered more of a pro-hormone than a vitamin.  There have only been two reported cases of toxicity world wide[3].  However, even though toxicity cases are rare it is still wise to get your levels tested and supplement accordingly.

Question:  Is Vitamin D sold in the Life Cafe and can you get a discount on it?
Answer:  Yes, it is sold in the cafe and you can get a 10% discount on that and any other supplements made by Life Time Fitness, Douglas Labs, Thorne Research, Nutra-Dyne and DaVinci by giving the cafe staff my name when you purchase the products.

Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Strictly Strength Workout 4/9/13

The workout we did in my 10:30 am Strictly Strength class today consisted of Mini Circuits with three exercises (Upper Body/Lower Body/Upper Body)It is a variation of Peripheral Heart Action Training and is more challenging than the workout found here where Super Sets of upper body and lower body exercises were alternated.  The workout is below with links to You Tube for the exercise descriptions.

Equipment used for Strictly Strength 4/9/13
Mini Circuit 1:  3 Sets X 15-20 Reps each
  1. Bent-Over Dumbbell High Row (Elbows Out)
  2. Resist-A-Band Squat
  3. Push-Ups
Mini Circuit 2:  3 Sets X 15-20 Reps each
  1. Bent-Over Dumbbell Low Row (Elbows In)
  2. Dumbbell Forward Lunge
  3. Dumbbell Shoulder Press
Mini-Circuit 3:  3 Sets X 15-20 Reps each
  1. Resist-A-Band Biceps Curls
  2. Stability Ball Leg Curls
  3. Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extensions
Mini-Circuit 4:  2 Sets X 15-20 Reps each
  1. Figure-8 Tube Walking
  2. Side-Lying Leg Raise (Lower Leg with Adductor emphasis)
  3. Prone (Lying) Glute Bridge 
If you missed class feel free to follow the workout above with an Exercise Mat, Stability Ball, two pairs of Dumbbells, a Resist-A-Band and a Figure-8 Band.

Thank you for reading this post and enjoy the workout!

Monday, April 8, 2013

The Kettlebell Swing: An Effective Exercise to Tone the Butt, Hamstings and Back

In my experience in fitness most people come to the gym to look better.  A common body part that many would like to improve is the butt.  A great exercise to train the butt (Along with the hamstrings and back) is the Kettlebell Swing.  It is time efficient, can tone those muscle groups as well as raise the heart rate.  It is also a great exercise to improve muscular power which most people don't train at all. Finally, because most people sit all day at work and then focus mainly on exercises like push-ups (Chest), biceps curls (Biceps) and crunches (Abs) while at the gym, the muscles in the back of the body rarely get trained.  The Kettlebell Swing is a great exercise to take care of this problem.

The video describes how to properly do a RKC Style Kettlebell Swing.  This variation is the most effective to target the muscles described above.   

Key Points:  Pay attention to Meredith's shoes on while she is demonstrating the exercise.  When doing it try to wear shoes with minimal heel elevation (i.e. Chuck Taylor's, Wrestling Shoes, New Balance Minimus, Nike Free, Vibram Five Fingers, etc.) as elevated heels will cause excessive arch in the low back causing more shear[1].  In fact it may be best to do the exercise in bare feet.  Also, it is important to avoid bringing the bell over shoulder height as it can cause impingement at the shoulders leading to future injury[1].

  1. Tsatsouline, P.  2006.  Enter the Kettlebell.  Dragon Door: St. Paul MN.

Sunday, April 7, 2013

Supplement Spotlight #2: Vitamin D

The Vitamin D found in the Life Cafe
Vitamin D is an important supplement to use.  Most people thought it was just a fat soluble Vitamin but new research is finding it is much more as it has a major influence on mood, the immune system and endocrine system.

It has been shown to do the following:

  1. Canadian studies showed it lowered the risks of all forms of cancer by 77% in women and 60% in men1 
  2. Greatly reduces inflammation[1]
  3. Helps prevent autoimmune diseases like multiple sclerosis and rheumatoid arthritis[1]
  4. Helps support a healthy immune system[1]
  5. Helps prevent Parkinson’s disease[1]
  6. Helps prevent both type 1 and type 2 diabetes[1]
  7. Helps maintain healthy musculoskeletal structure[1]
  8. Support a healthy mood and prevent seasonal affective disorders[1]
  9. Supports brain health[1]
  10. Is critical for the absorption of calcium and phosphorus[1]
  11. Is arguably the most potent antioxidant[1]
  12. Can increase testosterone levels[2]
Everyone reading this should have their Vitamin D levels tested yearly.  Some experts encourage testing it four times/year[2].  The Vitamin D Council suggests a level of 60 ng/dL to help prevent cancer[1].  For those people who have autoimmune illness 80-100 ng/dL is suggested[1].  As far as toxic levels try to avoid going over 100 ng/dL[1].

Regarding Vitamin D dosage most people have low levels and will benefit from taking 5,000 i.u daily.  An interesting point is if large dosages are taken less frequently, Vitamin D levels will increase faster[2].  For example it may be more effective to take 35,000 i.u of Vitamin D once/week versus 5,000 i.u. every day[2].  Either way make sure you get your Vitamin D tested and supplement with it accordingly based on your level.  It is one of the simplest ways to feel better physically and mentally.

1.    Gedgaudas, N. 2011.  Primal Body, Primal Mind.  Rochester, VT:  Healing Arts Press.
2.    Retrieved from: 


This post is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor as a substitute for medical treatment, nor as an alternative to medical advice. Use of recommendations in this and other posts is at the choice and risk of the reader.

Saturday, April 6, 2013

Strictly Strength Workout 4/2/13

In the Strictly Strength class on Tuesday, April 2 we did upper body/lower body pairs (Super Sets).  This is also known in some texts as Peripheral Heart Action Training as it causes an increase in heart rate because of an increase in blood flow to the muscles going from upper body to lower body exercises.  We used an Exercise Mat, Stability Ball, Resist-A-Band, Figure-8 Band and two different size pairs of Dumbbells.  The workout is listed below:

Strictly Strength Equipment for 4/2/13 Class
Pair (Super Set) 1:  3 Sets X 15-20 Reps
  • Bent Over Dumbbell Row (Elbows Out)
  • Resist-A-Band Squat
Pair (Super Set) 2:  3 Sets X 15-20 Reps
  • Push Ups
  • Stability Ball Leg Curl
Pair (Super Set) 3:  3 Sets X 15-20 Reps
  • Bent Over Row Dumbbell Row (Elbows In)
  • Dumbbell Forward Lunge
Pair (Super Set) 4:  3 Sets X 15-20 Reps
  • Dumbbell Shoulder Press
  • Single Leg Squat
Pair (Super Set) 5:  3 Sets X 15-20 Reps
  • Resist-A-Band Biceps Curl
  • Single Leg Dumbbell Deadlift
Pair (Super Set) 6:  3 Sets X 15-20 Reps
  • Stability Ball Dumbbell Skull Crushers
  • Dumbbell Reverse Lunge

Friday, April 5, 2013

Recently I wrote a post on the 4X Program that I am currently doing found here.  This post will show the actual training split that I am using with that program.  Below is what I am doing each day:

Monday (Shoulders/Arms):
  • 3-Head Shoulder Tree: 20-Reps Each
  • Dumbbell Shoulder Press:  4 Sets X 10 Reps
  • Seated Rope Face Pull:  4 Sets X 10 Reps
  • Straight Bar Biceps Curl:  4 Sets X 10 Reps
  • Seated Incline Dumbbell Hammer Curl:  4 Sets X 10 Reps
  • Flat E-Z Bar Skull Crushers:  4 Sets X 10 Reps
  • 1-Arm Overhead Dumbbell Triceps Extension:  4 Sets X 10 Reps
  • Ab Routine (Dynamic Stability)
Tuesday (Legs):
  • Safety Bar Squat:  4 Sets X 10 Reps
  • Life Fitness Seated Leg Curl:  4 Sets X 10 Reps
  • Dumbbell Walking Lunge:  4 Sets X 10 Reps
  • Single Leg Dumbbell Deadlift:  4 Sets X 10 Reps
  • Precor Donkey Calf Raise:  4 Sets X 15 Reps
Wednesday (Back/Chest):
  • Recline Row:  4 Sets X 15 Reps
  • Life Fitness Dual Axis Pulldown:  4 Sets X 10 Reps
  • 1-Arm Dumbbell Row (Elbow In):  4 Sets X 10 Reps
  • Bent-Over Barbell Row (Elbows Out):  4 Sets X 10 Reps
  • Low Incline Dumbbell Chest Press:  4 Sets X 10 Reps
  • Life Fitness Dual Axis Chest Press:  4 Sets X 10 Reps
  • Decline Bench Dumbbell Flyes:  4 Sets X 10 Reps
  • Ab Routine (Crunch Variations)
Thursday (Energy Systems Training):
  • Sled (Prowler Pushing)
Friday (Deadlift/Shoulders/Arms):
  • Barbell Deadlift (Conventional Style):  4 Sets X 10 Reps
  • 3-Head Shoulder Tree: 20-Reps Each
  • Life Fitness Dual Axis Shoulder Press:  4 Sets X 10 Reps
  • Standing Rope Face Pull:  4 Sets X 10 Reps
  • Life Fitness Preacher Curl:  4 Sets X 10 Reps
  • Alternate Dumbbell Curl:  4 Sets X 10 Reps
  • Incline E-Z Bar Skull Crushers:  4 Sets X 10 Reps
  • Life Fitness Triceps Rope Pushdown:  4 Sets X 10 Reps
  • Ab Routine (Standing Variations)

In conclusion you can follow what I do for workouts each day by clicking the "My Workouts" icon above or click on this link.

Thursday, April 4, 2013

Twelve Issues With Soy

Many people eat lots of Soy (Tofu, soy milk, soy protein powder, etc.) as their main protein source.  Here are some reasons from the book Primal Body, Primal Mind by Nora Gedgaudas why you might want think twice before having it again.
  1. The phytic acid in Soy reduces the absorption of calcium, magnesium, copper, iron and zinc. 
  2. Soy phytoestrogens have the potential to cause infertility in men and promote breast cancer in women.
  3. Soy phytoestrogens are anti-thyroid agents that can cause hypothyroidism and could cause thyroid cancer.  Autoimmune thyroid disease has been linked to consumption of soy milk by infants.
  4. Soy causes increased requirement for Vitamin B12.
  5. Soy causes increased requirement for Vitamin D.
  6. Free glutamic acid (monosodium glutamate or MSG) is a neurotoxin that is formed during soy processing and additional amounts are added to soy foods.
  7. Soy foods contain high levels of aluminum which is toxic to the nervous system and kidneys.
  8. Recent studies suggest a link between soy consumption and kidney stones.
  9. Babies on soy infant formula have estradiol levels 13,000-22,000 times higher than babies on milk based formulas.
  10. Buddhist monks ate tofu to reduce their libido.
  11. Food manufacturers are using a gasoline additive known as hexane to process soy products.
  12. Soy is the single most genetically modified crop (Contains GMOs) there is.
If you are going to eat soy, stick to fermented forms such as miso, natto and tempeh.

This post is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor as a substitute for medical treatment, nor as an alternative to medical advice. Use of recommendations in this and other posts is at the choice and risk of the reader.

Wednesday, April 3, 2013

Flourish Featured Article: Stress vs Strain

This article is one that I wrote for the Flourish Newsletter (Found on the Life Time Fitness Weight Loss site found here).  It is about how exercise can be a good stress or a bad stress on the body and what you can do about it to maximize your results.

Our bodies are built for certain physical “stresses.” They evolved to handle to them, expect them, and thrive with them. In fact, when we don’t offer our bodies reasonable exertion within these natural stresses, our systems suffer to some degree. We, in effect, downgrade our own physical robustness. Good physical stress is the day to day (hopefully) movement that supports our bone, muscle, organ, hormone, and immune function. Strain, however, results when we push our bodies beyond reasonable exertion (for our present physical condition) or when we engage in exercise without adhering to proper form and periodization. 

The key to maximizing our fitness gains is to optimize our good physical stress without imposing unproductive strain on our bodies. Click here to read the rest of the article.

If you want to subscribe to the weekly Flourish Newsletter click here.

Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Flourish Featured Article of the Week: Ten Mistakes Exercise Enthusiasts Make

Flourish is the newsletter for the Life Time Fitness Weight Loss web site.  The featured article this week is titled "10 Mistakes Exercise Enthusiasts Make."  It was written by Tom Nikkola the Sr. Director of Nutrition & Weight Management for Life Time Fitness.  The following ten mistakes are listed below.
  1. Using the same cardio equipment at the same speed/level every day
  2. Doing a set on every machine in a body part row
  3. Doing the abductor/adductor machines in hopes they will "tone" your thighs
  4. Lunging without your knee touching the floor
  5. Biceps curls without extending your arm/push-ups without your arms getting to at least a 90-degree bend
  6. Walking on an incline, but holding on to the treadmill
  7. Static stretching before your workout
  8. Neglecting your back and legs to work on your chest and biceps
  9. Focusing on your arms and shoulders when your goal is weight loss
  10. Avoiding strength training because of aches and pains
If you want to read the full article click here.
If you want to subscribe to Flourish and receive weekly emails click here.

Monday, April 1, 2013

Resistance Training Program I am Currently Doing: The 4X Program

I am getting lots of positive feedback from posts where sample workouts are includedThe
program I am currently doing is the 4X Program.  This is a program that Ironman magazine endorses.  It involves lots of exercises and very short rest periods which is something I have liked in past training programs so I will give it a try. 

Here are the guidelines:
  • Resistance:  Pick a weight or resistance you can do 15 reps with to start
  • Sets and Reps:  4 Sets of 10 Reps on the majority of the exercises 
  • Rest:  30-seconds on upper body exercises and 45-seconds on lower body exercises
  • Tempo:  3010 (3-seconds on the eccentric phase, no pause on the bottom, 1-second on the concentric phase and no pause on the top
  • Time Under Tension (TUT):  Each rep should take 4-seconds and if you do 10 reps the set should last 40-seconds
  • Progression:  If you can do 40 total reps (10 reps on all 4 sets) increase the weight a bit
  • Final Note:  You should be able to get through quite a few exercises with the short rest periods on this program
A future posts will have the specific split and exercises I am using.  Also, you will be able to follow my personal workout programs and progress here.