Tuesday, May 7, 2013

5 X 5: If I Could Only Use One Program Going Forward, This Would be it!

I am often asked what my favorite weight training program is.  If I could only pick one to use for the rest of my life it would be the 5 X 5 Program.  I learned it from Charles Poliquin in his book Modern Trends in Strength Training.  It is a simple program to use.  After the appropriate warm up pick a weight you could perform 7-8 reps with in good form.  From there you do five sets of five reps.  When you can hit 25 total reps you increase the weight and try for 5 X 5.  If you only get 22 reps (i.e. 5, 5, 4, 4, 4), keep the weight the same the next workout and try to beat the rep total.  

Simple Program - Big Results!

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