Friday, October 17, 2014

Simple Steps to Reduce Breast Cancer Part 2: Get Basic Blood Work Done

The last post went over the importance of site specific body fat in reducing Breast Cancer.  In addition to having a fitness professional taking skinfolds, basic blood work should be done at least once/year.  

Most people have the following done in their yearly physical:

  • Total Cholesterol
  • LDL Cholesterol
  • HDL Cholesterol
  • Triglycerides
  • Fasting Glucose

In addition to the above tests, these three should also be done:

  • Vitamin D (sometimes this is included in a physical and sometimes it isn't)
  • C-Reative Protein
  • Homocystine

In conclusion if you have all the above work done it can give you a good starting point towards better health.  Life Time Fitness offers all the above tests for members to take at select clubs each month.  Also, LT Proactive Care Clinics can take all the above tests.  Finally a great first step would be to get a My Health Score done at a Life Time club.  It includes a body composition test (could be skinfolds depending on the fitness professional), blood pressure, and the first five tests listed above.

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