Thursday, March 7, 2013

A Sample Spring Break Training Program

There were some good questions from the last post regarding the Escalating Density Training program found here.  A common question was “How often should it be done?”  Below is a sample program that should take most people right up until the end of March or early April (Around the time of spring vacations).  It requires 3-days/week of lifting (Monday/Wednesday/Friday or Tuesday/Thursday/Saturday) based off schedule.  Each workout is 30-minutes long (Not including a dynamic warm-up or core) so cardio can be done after lifting or on other days based on schedule.  Below is a template you can try.

Day 1:  Upper Body (Horizontal Emphasis): 

  • Pair 1 (Minutes 1-15):  Chest Press exercise (i.e. DB Chest Press, Incline DB Chest Press, Machine Chest Press, etc.) paired with a Horizontal Row exercise (i.e. Cable Low Row, Bent-Over Barbell Row, Rope Face Pull, etc.) 
  • Pair 2 Minutes 16-30):  Chest Press exercise (i.e. DB Chest Press, Incline DB Chest Press, Machine Chest Press, etc.) paired with a Horizontal Row exercise (i.e. Cable Low Row, Bent-Over Barbell Row, Rope Face Pull, etc.)
Day 2:  Lower Body/Arms:
  • Pair 1 (Minutes 1-15):  Squat or Leg Press exercise (i.e. Barbell Squat, Dumbbell Squat, Leg Press, etc.) paired with Leg Curl exercise (Prone Leg Curl, Seated Leg Curl, etc.) 
  •  Pair 2 (Minutes 16-30):  Biceps Curl exercise (Barbell Biceps Curl, Machine Preacher Curl, Incline DB Curl, etc.) paired with a Triceps exercise (Rope Pushdown, Lying DB Extension, Dips, etc.)
Day 3:  Upper Body (Vertical Emphasis):
  • Pair 1 (Minutes 1-15):  Shoulder Press exercise (i.e. Dumbbell Shoulder Press, Arnold Press, Machine Shoulder Press) paired with a Vertical Pulldown or Pull up exercise (i.e. Chin-up, V-Bar Pulldown, Wide Grip Pulldown)
  • Pair 2 (Minutes 16-30):  Shoulder Press exercise (i.e. Dumbbell Shoulder Press, Arnold Press, Machine Shoulder Press) paired with a Vertical Pulldown or Pull up exercise (i.e. Chin-up, V-Bar Pulldown, Wide Grip Pulldown)
This program is best used during non-peak hours at a gym or at home.  Each exercise is the maximum weight used for 10 reps (10RM) but only 5 reps/set are performed[1].  Each pair is done for a 15-minute time period.  During that time go back and forth between exercises trying to do 5 reps for as many sets as possible[1].  Track the total number of reps and when there is an increase of 20% more reps/pair within the given time frame increase the weight by 5%[1].


1.  Staley, C.  2005.  Muscle Logic.  Emmaus, PA:  Rodale.

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