Monday, March 25, 2013

Ice Thearpy Part 2: The 20-Minute Method

In a recent post I described a quick convenient way to use Ice Therapy for a pulled or strained muscle that works for most people.  While that technique works well for those who are time limited, I do have fitness enthusiasts who want the ideal way to apply ice and don't have a problem with taking more time to do it.

Here are the steps to the 20-Minute Ice Therapy method:
  1. Purchase a Gel Cold Pack and Ace Wrap (Can find these at any Drug Store, Wal-Mart or Target (In the Pharmacy section)
  2. Freeze the pack for at least 20-minutes
  3. Place the Gel Pack on the sore muscle with a paper towel between the pack and the skin
  4. Wrap the Ace Wrap around the Gel Pack so it is snug (Not super tight-there should be circulation)
  5. Keep the Gel Pack on the muscle for 20-minutes (If you can watch TV or are on line it will make the time go by faster)
  6. Ideally try to go 20-miuntes on, 20-minutes off and 20-minutes on again within a 60-minute time frame
With this post and the link to the first one you have two new techniques for sore, pulled or strained muscles.  Please make sure to stay off the muscle that needs to be healed for faster recovery!

This post is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor as a substitute for medical treatment, nor as an alternative to medical advice. Use of recommendations in this and other articles is at the choice and risk of the reader.

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