Wednesday, March 20, 2013

Strictly Strength Workout 3/16/13

We did a large exercise circuit in class Saturday.  If you want to try it on your own make sure you have two Gliding Disks, Resist-A-Band, and two different pairs (Different weight) of Dumbbells:  

Go through all the exercises performing 15-20 reps for each exercise and repeat once.

Equipment used in the 3/16/13 Strictly Strength Class
1.    Bent-Over Dumbbell Row (Elbows Out)
2.    Gliding Disk Reverse Lunge
3.    Push-Ups
4.    Gliding Disk Supine Leg Curls
5.    Bent-Over Dumbbell Row (Elbows In)
6.    Resist-A-Band Squat
7.    Dumbbell Standing Shoulder Press
8.    Gliding Disk Side Lunge
9.    Resist-A-Band Rear Standing Delt Flye
10.  Dumbbell Plie Squat
11.  Dumbbell Standing Side Raise
12.  Dumbbell Single Leg Romanian Deadlift
13. Standing Resist-A-Band Biceps Curl
14. Figure-8 Band Side Steps
15.  Standing Dumbbell Overhead Triceps Extension

Enjoy and thank you for attending class.

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