Wednesday, March 27, 2013

Strictly Strength Workout 3/22/13

Strictly Strength equipment for class
In the Strictly Strength class on Friday, March 22 we did upper body/lower body pairs (Super Sets).  This is also known in some texts as Peripheral Heart Action Training as it causes an increase in heart rate because of an increase in blood flow to the muscles going from upper body to lower body exercises.  We used an Exercise Mat, Stability Ball, Resist-A-Band, Figure-8 Band and two different size pairs of Dumbbells.  The workout is listed below:

Pair (Super Set) 1:  2 Sets X 15-20 Reps
  1. Bent-Over DB Row (Elbows out/knuckles facing forward)
  2. Dumbbell Forward Lunge
Pair (Super Set) 2:  2 Sets X 15-20 Reps
  1. Push-Ups
  2. Resist-A-Band Squat
Pair (Super Set) 3:  2 Sets X 15-20 Reps
  1. Bent-Over Dumbbell Row (Elbows in/palms facing)
  2. Stability Ball Leg Curl
Pair (Super Set) 4:  2 Sets X 15-20 Reps
  1. Stability Ball Dumbbell Flye
  2. Reverse Dumbbell Lunge
Pair (Super Set) 5:  2 Sets X 15-20 Reps
  1. Resist-A-Band Band Scarecrow
  2. Single Leg Squat
Pair (Super Set) 6:  2 Sets X 15-20 Reps
  1. Dumbbell Shoulder Press
  2. Single Leg Deadlift
Pair (Super Set) 7:  2 Sets X 15-20 Reps
  1. Dumbbell Side Raise
  2. Figure-8 Side Step
Pair (Super Set) 8:  2 Sets X 15-20 Reps
  1. Resist-A-Band Biceps Curl
  2. Stability Ball Inner Thigh Squeeze 
Pair (Super Set) 9:  2 Sets X 15-20 Reps
  1. Lying Dumbbell Triceps Extensions
  2. Glute Bridges
Enjoy the workout!

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