Tuesday, January 15, 2013

The 40-Day Low Carb/High Fat Nutrition Plan: Q & A Segment

There were lots of questions on the Low Carb/High Fat nutrition plan I recently did.  If you missed it click here.  Here were some of the more popular ones:

Question:  So is this a good plan for people who travel for work?

Answer:  Absolutely!  In my experience those with work related travel have to eat out quite a bit because they are living out of their hotel and have a food stipend.  It is easy to order low carb, high fat at restaurants.  The key is to look for protein (i.e. steak, chicken or fish).  From there ask the server what the vegetable options are.  I will hold the fries or the potatoes and substitute a second order of vegies.  Also, they will usually bring you oil if you ask as well.  Finally ask for lemons and limes to squeeze on the vegetables or in your water.  This has been shown to lower the blood sugar during the meal1.  Finally, plans like this will greatly reduce a craving which is a good thing when you have to eat out or be in airports for extended time periods.

Question:  What were some examples of fat you ate?

Answer:  Lots of Coconut Butter (I like the flavor of this better than Coconut Oil), usually 2-3 TBSP Olive Oil on vegetables, sometimes 2-3 TBSP of Organic Butter on vegetables, high fat (85% lean) Grass Feed Beef, heavy whipping cream in coffee (about ¼ cup), lots of higher quality cheese (Aged or Goats cheese), lots of almonds (Most other nut variations can work).  Finally if I was on the low end of fat at the end of the day I would have a block of Baked Goat Cheese (This gave me 50+ grams of protein and 50+ grams of Fat in one serving).

Question:  I appreciate drinking booze to try to be more like a normal person during this process.  Would Red Wine work if you don’t want to drink hard booze?

Answer:  For this program, no.  Believe it or not the hard booze will actually assist your fat burning because it is a toxin and your body has to raise the metabolism to get rid of it2.  People I know who have been on Ketogenic diets (Very low carb) report that hard booze will actually drive them into deeper ketosis.

Question:  Could you eat a whole Avocado on this plan?

Answer:  Yes, 1-cup of Avocado has 22 grams of fat and 3 Net Grams of carbohydrates so that should work.

Question:  What are net carbs?

Answer:  Use a bag of Broccoli for example.  It has 16 grams of carbs and 8 grams of fiber.  Net carbs are the total grams (16) subtract the fiber (8).  That number is 8 net grams (16-8 = 8).

Question:  Can you give us some sample eating plans?

Answer:  Yes, I will send you an example of a typical day for the 20, 30 and 40-net grams of carbs days (For two weeks I did 20, 30 and 40 net grams/day respectively).

Question:  What kind of Pedometer did you use for counting steps?

Answer:  I have a Motoactv Watch/Heart Rate Monitor that includes a pedometer.  If you don’t want a fancy watch like that, Life Time Fitness sells the Fit Bit Zip or Ultra at the clubs (They are very inexpensive and easy to use).

Question:  Now that you did this, what is next in nutrition for you?

Answer:  For the next 4-weeks I will be experimenting with carb cycling programs.  For example for 2-weeks I will eat low carb/high fat for 6-days and 1-day high carbs/low fat.  After that I will go low carb/high fat for 5-days and high carb/low fat for 2-days.  I am doing this because while going low carb/high fat works for fat loss it is a hard plan to maintain long term as people don’t like the idea of never eating/having very little carbs for life.  I will experiment with ways to add carbs in (i.e. for social events) without screwing your progress.  I will keep you posted on how it goes.

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