Grenz's Bookshelf: Clean by Alejandro Junger, M.D.
A few months back a client of told me about the book Clean by Alejandro Junger, M.D. At first I was a little skeptical as I thought it was just another “Detox” or “Cleanse” book. However, I found it to be very informative. Here are thirteen takeaways:
- “Stripping away waste materials from the body without simultaneously carefully replenishing essential nutrients can cause a state in which toxicity is increased, not reduced.”
- There are two types of toxins. “Endotoxins are waste products from the normal activity of the cells. Uric acid, ammonia, lactic acid and homocysteine fall in this category. Exotoxins or xenobiotics are human-made toxins that we are exposed to intentionally or inadvertently. Thousands of chemicals are being invented each year. These chemicals, alone or in combination, may cause disruption of the normal cell function.”
- “A recent study showed that 41 million Americans drink water contaminated with antidepressants, hormones, heart medications, and other over-the-counter medications that have made it through the water-treatment system.
- “Toxins that can’t be dealt with immediately and continue in the circulatory system are soon trapped in the tissues and covered with mucus. This is the way cells defend themselves. Mucus has a dense and sticky quality; it resonates with and attracts dense, toxic thoughts and emotions. The reverse is also true, that dense thoughts and emotions promote mucus production.”
- “Mothers who take Probiotics give birth to children who don’t get sick and years later even do better in school. Athletes with healthy intestinal flora recover faster from injury. Meanwhile, taking antibiotics as a kid correlates significantly with having all kinds of diseases later.”
- “Good supplements should be thought of as health insurance. For a little extra investment up front they save money over the long term on doctor’s visits, prescription drugs and missed workdays.”
- During a detox program, “Take it easy. Your body is doing a lot of intense work during the cleanse, so show it some extra love by resting more than usual. Don’t run a marathon while cleansing, and avoid any intense training, especially in the first few days of the program. Remember, the more you exercise, the more you need to recover. Consider reducing your exercise by half if you are an athlete or have an intense workout routine.”
- Mucoid Plaque is a term for, “Mucus that is finally getting dumped out of the cells and tissues, through the blood circulation, and through the intestinal walls into the lumen of the intestine.”
- “Many people raise the question of whether it’s better to eat animal products or not. Personally, I believe we are omnivores by nature’s design, and I think it almost requires a doctorate in nutrition to be a healthy vegan or even vegetarian.”
- Dr. Junger recommends the following supplements for everyone to use: Probiotics, Vitamin D, Omega-3 Fatty Acids and a Multi-Vitamin.
- “Become conscious of all the unnecessary information we find ourselves barraged with on a daily basis (excess media, news, entertainment you aren’t even interested in) and possible toxic communication in your life. Reduce whatever your mind and body tells you isn’t necessary and use that time and energy in more productive and restful ways.”
- Dr. Junger recommends everyone should get the following blood work done: C-Reactive Protein, AA/EPA Ratio, Lipoprotein (a), Uric Acid, Vitamin D, Homocysteine, Thyroid Function (Free T3 and TPO Antibodies), Iodine levels, Mercury and other heavy metals and a Organic Acid test.”
- There are three cardiac risk factors that aren’t as well known. They are, a high Uric Acid level, high Lipoprotein(a) and high Homocysteine levels.
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