Tuesday, April 2, 2013

Flourish Featured Article of the Week: Ten Mistakes Exercise Enthusiasts Make

Flourish is the newsletter for the Life Time Fitness Weight Loss web site.  The featured article this week is titled "10 Mistakes Exercise Enthusiasts Make."  It was written by Tom Nikkola the Sr. Director of Nutrition & Weight Management for Life Time Fitness.  The following ten mistakes are listed below.
  1. Using the same cardio equipment at the same speed/level every day
  2. Doing a set on every machine in a body part row
  3. Doing the abductor/adductor machines in hopes they will "tone" your thighs
  4. Lunging without your knee touching the floor
  5. Biceps curls without extending your arm/push-ups without your arms getting to at least a 90-degree bend
  6. Walking on an incline, but holding on to the treadmill
  7. Static stretching before your workout
  8. Neglecting your back and legs to work on your chest and biceps
  9. Focusing on your arms and shoulders when your goal is weight loss
  10. Avoiding strength training because of aches and pains
If you want to read the full article click here.
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