Monday, April 15, 2013

Some Simple Steps to Decrease Joint Discomfort Part 2: Supplements

Yesterdays post found here explained some simple nutritional steps to decrease joint discomfort.  This post will explain some supplements to use to decrease joint discomfort.  The supplements below are listed in priority of used based on budget.

  1. Omega-3 Fish Oil:  Omega-3 contains EPA which decreases inflammation in the body and can help lubricate the joints.  Using the proper minimal dosage of Omega-3 (3-4 grams of combined EPA/DHA) has been the simplest step for members I know to decrease joint pain
  2. Vitamin D:  As explained on this post, Vitamin D greatly reduces inflammation.
  3. Joint Maintenance (Glucosamine and Chondroitin):  The first step before taking this is to make sure enough Omega-3 is consumed daily.  If joint discomfort still persists (Usually common in runners or lifters) a Joint Maintenance product can be used.  Make sure to try if for three months to ensure it works as it takes time to rebuild some of the cartilage that was damaged.  As many as 65% of the population has positive  experiences when using it.
  4. Nutra-Dyne Dynamic Greens:  This is a simple way to get 20+ servings of antioxidants in one Dynamic Greens drink (1 serving).  Antioxidants lower inflammation which can assist in making the joints feel better.
The good news with the above supplements is using them can be a good, simple opportunity for most people.  All the above are very effective when used, however most health club members either don't use them, use low dosages of them and/or use poor quality brands.  When using these supplements make sure to use medical/health practitioner grade brands like Designs for Health, Metagenics, Poliquin, Ortho Molecular,Thorne and Douglas Labs.  All the supplements discussed above can be found in the Life Cafe and are formulated for Life Time Fitness by Douglas Labs.  If you want to purchase them you can get them for 10% off at the cafe if you give the Life Cafe employee my name.

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