Tuesday, May 17, 2016

Tip #2: Keep Caffeine in Check

Most people love caffeinated beverages (I do too!).  Th problem is most people either over consume them; drink them at the wrong time or both.  Here are some simple tips to maximize the use of caffeine for exercise performance or fat loss as it works for both goals.
  • Try to limit consumption to 400-500 mg/day max (The average 8 oz coffee is about 250 mg).
  • Try to stop consumption after 1 pm as taking it after this time can have a negative effect on sleep.
  • If possible, only have it every couple of days to maximize its effect.
  • Have it prior to working out and avoid having it after the workout.
  • There are lots of "Pre Workout" drinks on the market, but good quality coffee works well prior to training.
  • If you train in a fasted state (i.e. early in the morning) coffee can make a difference in workout energy and fat burn.
Give these tips a try and see if they make a difference.

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