Tuesday, March 26, 2013

Question of Fitness #: Total Body or Training Split?

Question:  Do you suggest using Total Body Workout or a Training Split when you work out?

The definition of a Total Body Workout is pretty self-explanatory.  All the major muscle groups (Chest, Back, Shoulders, Arms, Legs and Core) are trained in one session.  An example of a 3-Day Total Body Workout is below:

3-Day/Week Total Body Training Program (i.e. Monday):
1.    Flat DB Chest Press (Chest)
2.    Barbell Squat (Quads)
3.    V-Bar Row (Back)
4.    Stability Ball Leg Curl (Hamstrings)
5.    DB Shoulder Press (Shoulders)
6.    Single-Leg Calf Raise (Calves)
7.    E-Z- Bar Biceps Curl (Biceps)
8.    Stability Ball Crunch (Core)
9.    Triceps Rope Pushdown (Triceps)    

The definition of a Training Split is to break the body up into different muscle groups to be trained on different days so more exercises can be performed.  An example of a 3-Day Training Split Monday (Chest/Shoulders/Triceps), Wednesday (Legs) and Friday (Back and Biceps).  An example of the Monday Chest/shoulder/Triceps workout is below:

3-Day/Week Total Body Training Program (i.e. Monday: Chest/Shoulders/Triceps)   
1.    Flat Bench Press (Chest)
2.    Low Incline DB Chest Press (Chest)
3.    Flat Bench DB Flye (Chest)
4.    DB Arnold Press (Shoulders)
5.    DB Side Raise (Shoulders)
6.    Triceps Rope Pushdown (Triceps)
7.    Flat Bench Dumbbell Skull Crushers (Triceps)
8.    Stability Ball Abdominal Crunch (Core)   

As far as which one I suggest it comes down to three questions:

  1. How long have you done resistance training?  If it is less than two years sticking with a Total Body Workout would probably work best.  A person who hasn’t trained much is still in the learning phase and needs to get good at the basic multi-joint exercises.  Also, the body doesn’t need much volume (2-3 Sets/Exercise) to make progress in the first few years of training.  Less can actually be better in this case as long as resistance or reps are increasing weekly. 
  2. How many days/week can you consistently work out?  If you can only lift 2X/Week there is no point in trying to use a Training Split as it will do no good if workouts are missed.
  3. What is the training goal?  If a person want to gain more muscle, look the part and has more than two years of lifting experience a Training Split becomes necessary because higher training volume (3+ Sets on multiple exercises) is needed for this goal.  Also, if a person is in the middle of a sports season they will want to use Total Body Workouts as they will only be able to lift 1-2X/Week.
Future posts will include different types of Training Splits based on schedule, goals and how to determine when to change the program.

This article is not intended for the treatment or prevention of disease, nor as a substitute for medical treatment, nor as an alternative to medical advice. Use of recommendations in this and other articles is at the choice and risk of the reader.

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