Thursday, March 28, 2013

Supplement Spotlight #1: Omega-3

Six Simple Reasons Why You NEED an Omega-3 Supplement

The one supplement that is probably on top of the supplement priority list for most people is

Omega-3 (Fish Oil).  Here are six reasons why:
  1. Over 90% of Americans are deficient in Omega-3[1]
  2. Omega-3 is critical to controlling inflammation, blood sugar and metabolism[1]
  3. Fat burning and muscle building are enhanced by taking Omega-3[2]
  4. Omega-3 lowers C-Reactive Protein an inflammation marker[2]
  5. The incidence of depression and anxiety is lowered by taking Omega-3 and it also reduces carbohydrate cravings[2]
  6. The main difference between the evolution of human and monkey is humans consumed large amounts of Omega-3 fats (Making them more intelligent and able to evolve faster) and Monkeys consumed the majority of fat from Omega-6[3]
When taking Omega-3 make sure you take one that is high quality and at the very least has a GMP stamp on the label.  The ideal dosage for most people is 2-5 combined grams of EPA/DHA.  The Omega-3 supplement Life Time Fitness carries in their cafes and online store is high quality and peppermint flavored.  If you are interested in purchasing it at the Life Cafe, give them my name to save 10%.

When taking Omega-3 capsules make sure to take it at the beginning or middle of your meals to avoid potential "Fish Burps."  Also, store in the refrigerator to prolong freshness.

  1. Hyman, M.  2012.  The Blood Sugar Solution.  New York, NY: Hatchet Book Group   
  2.  Poliquin, C. (2010).  Why Fish Oils Are The Most Important Supplement.  Retrieved from       
  3. Gedgaudas, L.  2011.  Primal Body, Primal Mind.  Rochester, VT:  Healing Arts Press. 

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