Wednesday, June 15, 2016

Workout Wednesday 6/15/16: F.I.T. Class Workout for Tuesday, June 14th

Here is the format for F.I.T. that I taught at Life Time Athletic/Target Center on June 14th.  The equipment is in the photo and below is the workout in case if you missed it.

All exercises are done in for 15-20 reps in a large circuit format (One exercise done after another in a row with minimal rest in between) for 2-3 rotations based on how much time you have:
  1. Figure-8-Band Tube Walk
  2. BOSU Hip Raise (1 or 2 legs)
  3. BOSU Push Up
  4. BOSU Squat
  5. Resist-A-Band Seated Row (Sit on the BOSU)
  6. BOSU Lunge (Front or rear foot on BOSU)
  7. Dumbbell Shoulder Press
  8. Dumbbell Romanian Deadlift (1 or 2 Legs)
  9. Resist-A-Band Biceps Curl
  10. BOSU Side Crunch
  11. Dumbbell Standing Overhead Triceps Extension
  12. BOSU Abdominal Crunch

Give it a try!

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