There was lots of great feedback from the Thanksgiving post. Since December is full of holiday functions, the purpose of this week’s post is to provide education on how to minimize the damage done from drinking alcohol so you can still function in the gym as well as not make your jeans tighter. Here are six simple steps to follow (Assuming you drink alcohol):
Avoid Starchy Carbs During Days You Know You Have Social Functions. If lots of starchy carbs are consumed during the day it will raise insulin levels causing more fat storage. Also, they will “Absorb” the alcohol causing increased intake which will lead to additional fat storage. By keeping the carb intake to vegetables and some fruit (i.e. berries) along with protein and healthy fat at meals during the day, less booze will be consumed, fewer calories will be taken in and insulin levels won’t rise as much. An additional bonus is less money will be spent because less drinks are consumed.
Pick One Type of Booze for the Evening: A sure fire guaranteed way to get a terrible hangover and not want to go to the gym for many days is to mix different types of alcohol. Just sticking to beer isn’t as damaging as drinking some beer, then champagne, then shots, etc. all in one evening.
Try to Avoid “Sugary Drinks”. There is a huge difference in calories from sugar with certain drinks. For example, Margarita mixes can have 80 grams of sugar/drink (320 calories). A better option would be Margaritas mixed with Tequila and Lime Juice which totals 10-20 grams (40-80 calories). A second example is a Captain Morgan/Coke compared to a Captain Morgan/Diet Coke. Using Diet Coke will reduce the sugar by 25-35 grams (100-140 calories).
Try to Drink Higher Quality Alcohol. Ever wake up after drinking and say “I would pay $50 to get rid of this hangover.” That is the difference between drinking high quality alcohol instead of the cheap brands. The extra cost will reduce the extra pain the next morning as well as worse workouts experienced during the week.
Post Drinking Strategy. Once home have 16-24 oz. of water with a high-quality Multi-Vitamin, Omega-3 and some Magnesium right before bed. This especially helps if Steps #2 and #4 weren’t followed.
Don’t Drink and Drive. This is pretty self-explanatory. Be safe over the holidays!
In conclusion this article wasn’t written to promote alcohol consumption. It was written because the majority of people reading this WILL go out and have some drinks during the weekends in December. By following the steps above (Especially Steps #1 and #3) holiday weight gain that many Americans experience can be reduced by eating less empty calories and avoiding having worse workouts or none at all!
In this second Core Exercise Spotlight installment, Meredith demonstrates the Dead Bug Exercise and some of it's variations and progressions. This is can be a next progression from the first Core exercise demonstrated on this blog.
During this time of year there is lots of healthy options for Thanksgiving via eating tips (Substitute Sweet Potatoes or Cauliflower for White Potatoes) or healthy cooking (Gluten or Dairy Free) in the media. While most of these suggestions are great and encouraged, people often have limited control over their options. For example your mother or the people who invited you over may get offended if you make cooking suggestions or avoid certain food. Also, most American people are used to a “Traditional” way of having that meal and arguing about it isn’t worth it. Finally, some of the dishes offered are favorite foods that many don’t want to give up because Thanksgiving is one of the few times to eat it (Mom’s Pumpkin Pie for example). Using those points as examples the purpose of this post is to give three simple nutrition tips that will allow you to enjoy Thanksgiving without having to undo your belt after the meal.
1. Eat the Protein and Vegetable Options First. Look at the options being served. Start eating the protein (Turkey) first followed by the vegetable (Broccoli, Carrots, etc.) selections. This is a simple way to fill up so you are less likely to go overboard on the less healthy options. After those are finished, have the other options by your “Taste Priority.” 2. Try to Take 15-20 Minutes to Eat. When people overeat it is usually because they ate really fast. Slow down and take your time. Fill your plate with your favorite options and follow Step #1. You will enjoy your food and after this time period you will start to feel full and won’t eat as much. 3. Try to Chew 20-30 Times With Each Bite. This will help with Step #2. You don’t have to go this far but it is a nice bonus to ensure you keep your calories reduced and enjoy your food in the process. Even if you don’t chew 20-30 times/bite just thinking about it will work wonders on keeping the portions controlled.
Use the tips above and enjoy your Thanksgiving without feeling guilty or sleepy afterwards like most people do!
A common nutrition question is "What are Antioxidants?" A great way to explain this is from the book 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth by Jonny Bowden, PhD.
In the book Bowden defines Antioxidants as "Compounds in food that help fight the process of oxidation or oxidative stress, a factor in virtually every degenerative disease."
He uses a cut apple being left in the air as an example of oxidation. The apple turning brown also happens to the cells and organs in the body due to poor food quality, air pollution, etc. Antioxidants help fight this process [1].
High fruit and vegetable consumption is important because many are loaded with antioxidants.
Bowden, J. 2007. The 150 Healthiest Foods on Earth. Bevery, MA: Fair Winds Press.
Resistance training questions #2 and #3 discussed how many days/week should be taken off as well as how often a full week should be taken off from training for recovery reasons. There was quite a bit of positive feedback from people who have busy schedules regarding not having to "Live in the Gym" to get results. Based off that feedback this post will discuss how to be time efficient while resistance training. These tips will help with fat loss, muscle tone and decrease the chance of injury.
Maintain Consistent Rest Periods. Try to use a timer or stopwatch (Doesn't have to be anything fancy) and keep your rest between exercises to 30-45 seconds. Pick a number (30-seconds for example) and be consistent with it during the whole workout. You will be surprised by how much you can get done by following this simple rule.
Pair Opposing Muscle Groups. World renowned strength coaches Charles Poliquin (Canada) and Ian King (Australia) get credit for this. Some examples of pairs include: Biceps/Triceps, Chest/Back, Quads/Hamstrings, etc. Here is an example of a biceps and triceps pair. Perform a Biceps Barbell Curl, rest 45-seconds and then perform a Triceps Rope Pushdown, rest 45-seconds and repeat for the required number of sets. Once the sets are completed move on to the next pair of exercises. This technique will save time (One muscle group is resting while one is working), elevate the heart rate and decrease the chance of injury because the muscle groups in the workout are more balanced [1, 2].
Pair Upper Body/Lower Body Exercises. This technique might be the most effective for people who don't have extra time for cardio to drop body fat and tone up[3]. It is best done by dividing the body into four quadrants and pairing them up[4]. For example, pair an upper body front exercise like Flat Dumbbell Chest Press with a lower body back exercise like Seated Leg Curls. A second example is an upper body back exercise (Seated Cable Row) paired with a lower body front exercise (Barbell Squats). When doing this heart rate elevates in a big way and growth hormone will elevate due to increased blood lactate levels. This will cause increased fat loss in a short time period.
The above tips should keep total workout time well under 60-minutes and keep days in the gym to 3-4 max. In future posts additional efficient workout techniques will be discussed. For now, try one of the above and see what happens.
King, I. 2002. Get Buffed 3rd edition. Reno, NV: Kingsports Publishing.
Poliquin, C. 2006. Poliquin Principles. Phoenix, AR: Poliquin Perfromance Center.
Poliquin, C. 2004. German Body Comp Program. Phoenix AR: Poliquin Performance Center.
Flynn, C. "Program Design." Poliquin Strength Institute. Providence RI. 15-16 May 2010.
In this exercise spotlight Physical Therapist Meredith Butulis of OSR Physical Therapy in Eden Prairie, MN demonstrates a Kegal Squeeze exercise. This exercise is a great starting point for women (Especially if they have kids) as well as men. It works the deep abdominal muscles.
Question: Do you ever suggest taking a full week off of working out for recovery?
Answer: Yes. Most experts agree taking 5-7 days off of training every 12-16 weeks is ideal. This is best done on weeks when vacations are planned because people are away from home. Doing this towards the end of each fiscal quarter works well. For example at the end of the first quarter spring break trips are often planned. The second quarter ends with the 4th of July. Labor Day weekend is close to the end of the third. Finally, the holiday season is near the end of the forth. If a person is able to get out of town around these dates and avoids the gym it results in a great physical and mental break. This allows people to come back to the gym refreshed with renewed energy to accelerate progress on their next program.
Question: How many days/week do you suggest taking off from working out?
Answer: If you are using a well-designed resistance training program and are following a nutrition plan that fits your body type most people only need to work out 3-4 days/week (3-4 days away from the gym) to get great results. There are exceptions to this rule that is beyond the scope of this post (Triathletes, Physique Competitors, etc.), but most people need to understand the reason why they aren’t making the progress they desire is because they are under recovered or over trained. Allowing 3-4 days of recovery and 5-7 days off every 12-16 weeks can help you avoid this issue. However, if you MUST get in the gym more, try a relaxation based yoga class for recovery 1-2 days/week.
Below is a video example of how to self myofacial release the bottom of your foot. This is a great stretch do do on a daily basis for people with tight lower body muscles.
Here are some video examples of the proper way to perform a push-up. Although most people think it is a basic exercise, I often see people (Mainly women in group fitness settings) use poor body set-up which limits performance and progression. Below Physical Therapist Meredith Butulis of OSR Physical Therapy teaches the push-up from two different angles.
Question: Your last post addressed how resistance training lowers fasting blood glucose. Do you have any special recommendations for cardio if you want to lower your fasting blood glucose? Answer: There are a few to choose from, but one of the most effective protocols is Interval Training with a 1:3 Work:Recovery Ratio. Here are four guidelines for maximal results:
1. The work period will last from 30-90 seconds (Choose 30, 60 or 90 seconds) depending on fitness level. After each work period the recovery period will be between 90-270 seconds (Choose 90, 180 or 270 seconds). During the work period go as hard as possible and the recovery period walk around slowly.
2. For this protocol total interval duration should not exceed 20-25 minutes. As an example, using a 60 second work:180 second recovery would equal 5-6 total intervals. It is also important to perform a dynamic warm-up for 5-10 minutes prior to the intervals and cool-down for 10 minutes upon completion of intervals. Total workout time will be less than 40-45 minutes with everything combined.
3. Too often fitness enthusiasts perform cardio exercise where they go in a straight line (i.e. treadmill, bike, etc.). For this workout try different tools like Jump Rope, Prowler Pushes, Sled Pulls, ViPR Drills, Kettlebell Swings or Snatches, Battling Ropes, etc.
4. Using a Heart Rate Monitor for this workout is VERY important for monitoring recovery. It is vital to let the heart rate come down to your individual Aerobic Base (AB) or 120 BPM if you don’t know the AB heart rate during recovery periods1. Once one of these numbers is reached, start the next work set. If you don’t have a HR Monitor, make sure to go the full recovery length. However, with a HR Monitor recovery periods should decrease in duration as your fitness level improves. In addition to the goal stated in the question, most fitness enthusiasts would see their strength, fat loss and muscle tone increase by following the above cardiovascular training protocol. This is because in addition to lowering fasting glucose, anabolic hormones like testosterone and human growth hormone are elevated helping you become more anabolic.
References: 1. Rooney, M. 2008. Training for Warriors. New York, NY: Harper Collins.
Question: Based of your last two posts, do you have any special recommendations for lifting weights if you want to lower your fasting blood glucose? Answer: There are three effective resistance training techniques for this goal:
1. Train Opposing Muscle Groups as a Pair: This is called a Super Set. An example for upper body is to perform a dumbbell chest press for a given number of reps, rest for the desired time and then perform a 1-arm dumbbell row. Repeat until the goal for the number of sets is completed. In addition to the previous example, pairing exercises for biceps/triceps, quads/hamstrings, etc. can also be used.
2. Utilize Tempo With Exercises: A good tempo for the above goal is a 3020 tempo. Using a barbell biceps curl as an example, (3) represents the number of seconds to lower the bar, (0) means there is no pause at the bottom of the movement, (2) is the number of seconds to raise the bar and finally (0) once again means there is no pause at the top. With this cadence the idea is for each rep to take five seconds to complete and is done with continuous movement (no stopping until fatigued).
3. Alternate 3-4 Week Intensity Blocks With 3-4 Week Volume Blocks: For the first 3-4 weeks (Intensity Block) perform less total exercises for more sets, less reps and heavier resistance. For men this could be 4 Sets X 4-6 Reps and for women it could be 3 Sets X 8-10 Reps. For the second 3-4 weeks (Volume Block) perform more total exercises for less sets, more reps and moderate to lighter resistance. This could be 3 Sets X 10-12 Reps for guys and 2 Sets X 12-15 Reps for gals. In addition to the goal stated in the question, most lifting enthusiasts would see their strength, fat loss and muscle tone increase by following the above resistance training guidelines.
References: 1. Poliquin, C. “BioSignature.” Poliquin Performance Center, Providence RI. 16 May 2011.
A popular question on my last post was “Does a low carb/high fat nutrition plan make your cholesterol worse?” Before answering that question it’s important to understand how Fasting Glucose can be the foundation for optimal cholesterol and body composition. Fasting blood glucose indicates how much sugar is in your blood. It’s normal for your blood glucose to rise after eating carbohydrates but should be lower when fasted. Many Functional Doctors suggest fasting glucose should be less than 85 mg/dL. For example, Dr. Mark Houston author of What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Heart Disease suggests 80 mg/dL. Here are some reasons for those recommendations:
1. The risk of dying from a stroke increases 27% for every 18 mg/dL increase beyond 83 mg/dL[1]
2. Each 1 mg/dL increase above 80 mg/dL raises the risk of coronary heart disease by 1% (A rise from 80 to 100 would increase the risk by 20%)[1]
3. Each 1 mg/dL increase over 85 mg/dL increases the risk of Type 2 diabetes by 6% in a ten year period (A rise from 85 to 95 mg/dL would increase the risk by 60%)[2]
4. There is usually a direct correlation between lower fasting glucose levels and lower levels of body fat. People are usually very lean on the shoulder blade and oblique areas as a result.[3]
5. High insulin levels have a negative effect on all the hormones in the body. By keeping blood glucose low, insulin is usually lower resulting in more efficient hormone production in the body.[3] Now that you understand the importance of measuring fasting blood glucose the next post will explain triglycerides, different cholesterol types and optimal ranges for looking good on the outside, being healthy on the inside and performing at an optimal level physically and mentally.
References: 1. Houston, M.C. 2012. What Your Doctor May Not Tell You About Heart Disease. New York, NY: Hatchette Book Group. 2. LaValle, J. “Optimize Performance at Every Level.” Corporate Office, Chanhassen, MN. 2 November 2011. 3. Poliquin, C. “BioSignature.” Poliquin Performance Center, Providence, RI. 15, May 2011.
In my experience, three proven nutrition plans give people a lean look on the outside, a healthy inside, and optimal performance. Using body fat storage placement and fasting glucose levels as a reference, we can determine which of the following three plans fits your particular need.
1. Low Carb/High Fat: This plan applies to about 25% of the population. The nutrient breakdown is roughly 30% protein, 50% fat (healthy or “good” fat) and 20% carbs. People who fall into this group will usually carry more fat around their shoulder blade and hip area and their blood work typically reflects a fasting glucose over 100 mg/dl[1]. Unfortunately, this group’s population is expanding as more people are becoming insulin resistant.
2. Iso-Caloric: Approximately 50% of the population benefit from this plan. It incorporates about one-third equal parts of protein, fat, and carbs. The advantage of this plan is its visual ease; that is, one can easily break the plate into thirds. Generally, unlike people in the low carb / high fat plan above, people in this group carry MORE fat on the hip but LESS fat on the shoulder blade[1]. An individual’s fasting glucose level is often between 90-100 mg/dl. This plan is a simple starting point for most people.
3. Higher Carb/Lower Fat: I consider this the “Dying Breed” of nutrition. These are the “I hate you” people because they eat lots of carbs and get away with it. The characteristic is if this person has a lean and defined shoulder blade area and minimal fat around the hip[1]. Also, their fasting glucose is below 85 mg/dl. It may be easy to think of the collegiate or Olympic track athletes as members of this group.
Finding the type of plan that works best for you can be as simple as taking skin-folds on your hip and shoulder areas and/or testing for your fasting glucose. (Most drug stores carry over-the-counter Glucometers).
References: 1. Poliquin, C. BioSignature Modulation. Providence RI, May 2011
Eating organic food can be challenging for many people. However, a good start to gradually add it in is to go organic with the Dirty Dozen foods. These fruits and vegetables are the most heavily sprayed with pesticides and herbicides according to the Environmental Working Group. Included are:
The average American gains 8-11 pounds over the holiday season. This stat is from Halloween to New Years Day in some surveys and Thanksgiving to New Years Day in others.
This Holiday season I am going to be a good example for fitness enthusiasts and clients to follow and see how much body fat I can lose in the eight weeks. This morning I tested my body fat with an In-Body BIA machine and I was 16.1%. My goal is to get under 10% by December 30th. It will be a challenge to get there.
I will post my progress once a week going forward (I will test my body fat every Saturday morning) for people to see.
Here are the physiological changes form the 60-Day Pre-Holiday Bender:
My Aerobic Base heart rate went from 131 bpm to 98 bpm.
My Anaerobic Threshold went from 147 bpm to 117 bpm. This means I go right into sugar burning at 117 bpm. Basically my body wants to burn sugar instead of fat.
My Resting Metabolic Rate completely reversed. I now burn 76% sugar and 24% fat. Prior to the 60-days I burned 72% fat and 28% sugar.
Blood Glucose went from 72 mg/dl to 94 mg/dl.
Triglycerides went from 42 mg/dl to 66 mg/dl.
HDL Cholesterol went from 89 mg/dl to 85 mg/dl.
LDL Cholesterol went from 78 mg/dl to 68 mg/dl.
Part 4 will discuss the mental changes that happened.